Many patients have been wearing their dentures for many years and are afraid to change them for fear of the new dentures looking too big or too false. It is our aim to construct as natural looking teeth as possible. We usually encourage our patients to bring in an old photo of when they had their own teeth. Our technician then constructs a mock-up of how the dentures will look when they are completed.

We usually encourage our patients to take home the mock up to show family or friends so that they can decide if they are happy with the appearance. You will be wearing the dentures for some years so you need to consider the appearance carefully. It is recommended that one changes their dentures every 5 years.
Corabbey Dental & Orthodontics, 1 Corabbey Court, Midleton, Co. Cork. Tel 021 4634898
Opening Hours: Dental : Mon-Fri 9.15am to 5pm | Alternate Saturdays 9am to 1pm
Hygienist : Mon & Tues mornings | Thurs late until 7pm | Fri 10am-5.30pm | Alternate Sats 9.30am-3pm
Orthodontist : Late Wed until 8pm